May 1, 2010

Dolphin Pat White’s injury served as a reminder that success can be quickly taken away.

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , at 5:49 pm by bowmansmoneycollege

One thing we all have to be comfortable with today is that tomorrow may bring an unexpected and different set of economic challenges. The country was spending madly in 2007, but how were most people feeling at Christmas time in 2008? Challenging and changing environments are just part of nature, sometimes literally. Every day is not filled with warm sunshine, pretty flowers, and fluffy clouds. Pat White, the Miami Dolphins back up quarterback, learned this the hard way on January 3, 2010. What White’s experience taught us is that our fortunes can change in an instant.

What potential threats do you see on the horizon that could hurt your quality of life? What steps can you take now to ensure you are adequately prepared to handle it? What happens if you or a family member loses a job, gets injured or sick, has property stolen or damaged, or is harmed by natural disaster? What did wise Ben Franklin say? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

-Doing well today shouldn’t preclude you from planning for a bad tomorrow.
-We’ve seen care free economic times (2007) quickly deteriorate into horrific economic trouble (2008).
-Have a  back up plan in place before potentially disastrous economic problems occur. Prepare now for what the next step would be.
-The Great Recession proved that no one’s lifestyle is completely safe from the economy’s reach.
-Planning ahead for economic problems will lessen any negative impact you may experience.

Read the entire story here.